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Programme of Didactic Activities

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The aim of the educational activities is to reveal the Carlism Museum as a space where people can get to know, research, interpret, conserve and disseminate an important aspect of our history.

Schoolchildren in one of the workshops

Schoolchildren in one of the workshops.

Every year, the Museum of Carlism offers two campaigns of didactic activities for schools aimed at primary and secondary education students, that take place in autumn and spring.

A workshop on the evolution of the military uniform, aimed at primary school children, titled: "Casaquilla, levita, capote... prendas para la batalla”./“Jacket, frock coat, great coat …campaign uniform” .

It consists of two parts: a guided tour and a creative workshop. During the visit, and after an explanation of the organisation of the Carlist army, the students discover the importance of visual elements to make up the personal image of an individual and his belonging to a certain social, political or professional group. In the creative workshop, the younger students draw one of the uniforms on display, and the older ones (6th of Primary Education) create an album of Carlism.

The workshops are held every Thursday morning, in two sessions starting at 10:00 and 11:30. Advance booking is essential.

For secondary school students (ESO and Bachillerato), the museum organizes guided tours of the permanent collection and temporary exhibition. Advance booking is required.

Government of Navarre

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